Saturday, January 4, 2020


My sister, the Contemplative Cat, posted these questions which became a challenge for me to respond.  

These are her questions:

If you could live one year of your life over again, which year would you choose and why?

If you could learn to be an expert at something without putting in the work, what would it be?

If you could learn a new language instantly, which would you choose and why?

If you could give $1 million to any charity, which would you choose?

When was your Robert Frost moment a la "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood..."? The poem says you can't go back and that is true. "Way leads on to way" and so forth. But if you could, would you? What is the difference you think it would have made?

Time travel: where would you go and when? Why?
Who would you want on your fictional character bowling team? You get to pick four.

What would you want for your last meal?

What's your favorite song?

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

If you came over to my home and I offered you a drink, what would you want me to serve you?

1.  The to relive would be the year I got Married.  I would like to experience the whole time just as it was.  My time of discovery in this new relationship was most enjoyable.  

2.  I would like to learn the guitar and how to read music.  I see the joy of performers when they get "in the zone" and would like to experience this for myself.  

3.  The new language to learn is Spanish, or Mexican.  There are so many Latino speaking people in America, I would like to reach out in friendship.  

4.  My 1 million dollars would go to a local not-for-profit that provides shelter and services to abused women and children.

5.  My fork in the road:  Ministry is my passion but it did not become my career path.  The church I chose did not meet the needs of my family.  I made my career in government and a hobby in ministry. If I could I would select a denomination from the four, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Episcopal, or Methodist.  

6.  Time Travel:   I have to give more thought to this and the bowling team.  

7.  My last meal would be a thick cut ribeye with garlic mashed potato and a ceasar salad.  

8.  My favorite song is "Going Home"  Play at my remembrance service.  

9.  I took a personality assessment that placed me in the introvert category.  I enjoy my me time.  

10.  A drink?  Ice cold water is my preference.  The farm well of my youth was 80 feet deep.  A drink from the spigot at the well was a daily dream of mine.